The "Hold Our Ground" film series highlights the challenges facing Colorado's agricultural community and showcases the innovative work of producers who promote soil health and adapt to climate change. We invite you to enjoy your lunch in the auditorium while viewing these three episodes.
Episode One (9 minutes): "Hold Our Ground" informs the public about the importance of soil health and how it is intimately connected to water issues in Colorado and the Rocky Mountain West. The film features Colorado farmers and ranchers who are engaging in soil health practices and inspires the public to learn more about conservation agriculture.
Episode Two (14 minutes): “Farmers on Soil Health” profiles Colorado farmers Michael Vicente, Greg Vlaming, Robert Sakata, Roy Pfaltzgraff, David Harold, and Kyler and Emily Brown as they work to improve the health and resiliency of their soils and farms.
Episode Three (15 minutes): “Ranchers on Soil Health” profiles Colorado ranchers George Whitten, Julie Sullivan, Mike Peterson, Nancy Roberts, Nick Charchalis,and Donald Valdez as they work to improve the health and resiliency of their soils and ranches.
Friday January 24, 2025 12:45pm - 1:25pm MST
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